Most popular self-care to learn more about the power of simple JSJ holds

20 minutes to more energy for for you today

In this course, you will

  • assess your current state
  • discover about fatigue
  • increase your energy
  • use simple holds

Ease your Exam Stress

Simple tips, mindset shifts, and reflective prompts. This 90-minute talk and resources provide

  • Clear suggestions and information from experienced careers coach who specialises in teenagers
  • Insights and simple self-care tips from experienced gentle energy healer who specialises in reducing stress and anxiety
  • Reflexive prompts
  • Self assessment tools to improve your personal experience
  • Simple suggestions that you can use any time, anywhere.
Title slide for Manage stress more easily for exams and challenging situations course showing Jackie McGloughlin and Helen Dillon

Expand your joy gently and easily

In this course, you will

  • take time for you
  • breathe more easily
  • release stress/tension
  • simple holds for joy

Unlock the mysteries of JSJ

Holding your fingers is just the tip of the iceberg.

You can learn the how and why – and become an expert.

Are you called to transform your energy and your life?

JSJ Courses with Jackie make transformation simple.

All JSJ courses include

Demonstrations of simple holds – we practice together

Explanations of the energetic relationships that you’re accessing in your own body

E-tips that you can print out and carry with you as reminders

E-workbooks that you can print out and reflect on your experience

Optional tracking charts where you can measure your progress
Quarterly online group practice sessions included with the purchase of the course

Complimentary 15-minute 1:1 chats with Jackie where you can ask any questions

Online Courses

These courses are offered on a variety of topics. For example,

  • JSJ basic principles
  • JSJ Daily Practices
  • JSJ and Astrology
  • More topics available soon