Meaning of the name Jin Shin Jyutsu Art of the Creator for the Man of Knowing and Compassion.

What’s In A Name Jin Shin Jyutsu? Promises and hope!

The name Jin Shin Jyutsu is so much less important than experiencing how it can change your life. Defining things can be difficult. We know by experiencing something. But putting it in a neat little box – that’s more difficult.

I’ve been studying Jin Shin Jyutsu for ten years now – I know that it has transformed my life. I was completely despondent and extremely fatigued, and my immune system was misfiring. I think the rheumatologist called it dysregulated – what a thing to be living with!

Now it didn’t happen overnight for me – it took time to unravel the layers of disharmony that I’d built up over the years.

But it was so worth it! Now I have hope and good energy levels and my immune system is behaving itself. The gentle touch of JSJ reminded my body of how things used to be. This gentle touch relaxed and healed my body, calmed my mind, and soothed my soul.

But you’re probably wondering what this Jin Shin Jyustu stuff is. When I asked my mentor what JSJ was – she simply said to ‘come for a session’. When I ask my clients how they would describe it, they simply say AMAZING! When I reflect on it, my understanding is that it’s a deep healing modality that works with your body’s innate healing capacity – gently and easily. But to put it in the context of other complementary therapies, some people say it is a bit like reiki because it works with your energy for your greatest good. Some people say it is a bit like reflexology because it uses the meridians to improve your well-being. Some people say it is a bit like craniosacral therapy because it is a holistic treatment from head to toe. But even the esteemed Jiro Murai who brought together all the knowledge, developed his understanding over time.

The name Jin Shin Jyutsu doesn’t tell the whole story.

Regardless of how we refer to it (as Jin Shin Jyutsu – or the shorthand version of JSJ – or a light touch therapy – or a form of acupressure), the experience of harmonising your energy, and the potential to feel better, is the same. So, as long as you have your breath, your hands, and a willingness to be aware – you can help yourself with this therapy.

I know that my clients find it helpful – based on their feedback in sessions and through written testimonials.

I know that it is a gentle form of acupressure.

But defining it has even been a challenge for the founder of the Art Jiro Murai. There were several versions of the name over the time that he was reinvigorating the ancient records and wisdom from China and Japan. In 2004 Christopher Lowman wrote an excellent article in the Main Central Jin Shin Jyutsu Newsletter detailing all the permutations during its development.

The name Jin Shin Jyutsu has evolved –

Key terms included

  • Happiness,
  • Longevity,
  • Benevolence,
  • the Creator’s Art, and –
  • the current understanding of the Art of the Creator for the Man of Knowing and Compassion as shown below in the Japanese kanji.
Japanese kanji for the name of Jin Shin Jyutsu

All of these definitions and terms suggest the benefits we can experience with simple holds. When we place our hands on ourselves, we are connecting with the support from nature and the Creator/Cosmic-Energy. When I place my hands on a client, I am facilitating this connection. The process reminds the body how things used to be before any difficulties came about. The end result is feeling better, calmer, clearer, and more grounded. But you might wonder why to go for a session if I can do Jin Shin Jyutsu myself.

Why do I need to go for a JSJ session?

Three simple reasons to go for a Jin Shin Jyutsu Treatment – are personal depletion, experience, and pampering.

Personal depletion

Running on empty, overwhelmed by the busy mind, and feeling hopeless. When you can’t think straight let alone improve your energy.

JSJ recharges your energy

by easing energetic cramps and allowing your energy to flow freely.


Practitioners understand the basic principles and can make connections between different things going on. Extended sequences bring quicker and stronger results.

Benefit from experience

I’ve been studying JSJ since 2012 – throughout the world for classes and studying here in Ireland. All this knowledge & experience is here for you.


Having a Jin Shin Jyutsu session is a deeply relaxing experience. Most people even fall asleep during treatments and awake refreshed and renewed.


When you come for a JSJ session with Jackie, you will be heard, cared for, and supported through your healing experience.

Having a Jin Shin Jyutsu session is a deeply relaxing experience. The gentle touch calms your mind, relaxes your body, and soothes your soul. This is time just for you and you can rest, relax and recharge. All in a quiet oasis in the busyness of your life.

If you haven’t already experienced Jin Shin Jyutsu, come and feel the magic. Invest in your personal well-being. Sessions are available in person here in Maynooth as well as online from wherever you are in the world. My clients have had great experiences with both.

Jackie Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner with Energy Flows client

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